Ronald Wright - A Short History of Progress: II. The Great ExperimentURL Click here

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The first of these was the taming of by homo erectus which tipped the balance of strongly in our favour. The next, half a years later, was the of by Cro Magnons the Neanderthals. New were , lighter, sharper, longer-ranged, more and . Bead adornment, bone carvings, and elaborate burials . paintings appeared on walls and rock faces a vigorous naturalism that would not be seen the Renaissance. Many of these things had already been on a small scale by Neanderthals and Cro Magnons. So this spurt of and cannot as some claim be that we suddenly evolved into a new species with brand new powers. But it is of a familiar pattern: born of a surplus. The and gatherers were more than mere subsistance, giving time to the walls, make beads and effigies, play indulge in rituals. For the first time people were .