BotKitDVT > Plantes de La Réunion > FOUGERES > Huperzia saururus - Ø - LYCOPODIACEAE - Exo.rtf.rtfd - 10 Apr 2023 at 08:15:53
Topic: Huperzia saururus - Ø - LYCOPODIACEAE - Kerguelen, Cameroun, Argentine en altitude
Huperzia saururus - Ø - LYCOPODIACEAE - Kerguelen, Cameroun, Argentine en altitude
essentiel du phénome
Voir site Caverne des Lataniers
Entry for Huperzia saururus (Lam.) Trevisan [family LYCOPODIACEAE]
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (K)
Flora of Tropical East Africa
Resource Type
Reference Sources
Entry From
Flora of Tropical East Africa, page 1, (2005) Author: B. Verdcourt, B.Sc., Ph.D.
Huperzia saururus (Lam.) Trevisan [family LYCOPODIACEAE], in Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat. 17: 248 (1875); Rothm. in F.R. 54: 60 (1944); Tardieu, Fl. Madag. 13 & 13 bis: 24, fig. 3/5–6 (1971); Pic. Serm. in B.S.B.B. 53: 185 (1983); Schippers in Fern Gaz. 14: 174 (1993); Faden in U.K.W.F. ed. 2: 38 (1994). Type: Réunion [Ile Bourbon], Commerson s.n. (P-LAM, holo.)
Lycopodium saururus Lam. [family LYCOPODIACEAE], Encycl. Méth. Bot. 3: 653 (1789); Hieron. in P.O.A.C: 90 (1895) & in V.E. 2: 71, fig. 68 (1908); Sim, Ferns S. Afr. ed. 2: 324, t. 175 (1915); F.D.-O.A.: 88 (1929); Chr. in Dansk Bot. Arkiv 7: 188 (1932); Alston, Ferns W.T.A.: 11 (1959); Tardieu, Fl. Cameroun 3: 10 (1964); W. Jacobsen, Ferns S. Afr.: 132, fig. 74 (1983); Schelpe & N.C. Anthony, F.S.A. Pterid.: 5, fig. 2/1 (1986); J.E. Burrows, S. Afr. Ferns: 12, t. 1/2, fig. 2/2, 2a (1990)
Terrestrial or sometimes on rocks; horizontal stems compactly branched, with shallow roots; aerial stems somewhat fleshy, mostly unbranched or occasionally once or twice bifurcate, 9–60 cm tall, up to 2 cm wide including the leaves (the stem itself about 3 mm). Leaves closely imbricated, somewhat spreading or usually adpressed, narrowly oblong-lanceolate, 8–13 mm long, 2 mm wide, sporophylls not differentiated from the foliage leaves; sporangia yellow-brown, rounded-reniform, 1.5–2 mm long, flattened, mostly obscured.
DISTR. U 2, 3; K 3, 4; T 2, 6, 7 also in S America
Altitude range
2200–4400 m
KENYA Elgeyo District Cherangani Hills, Chemnirot, 16 Aug. 1969, Mabberley & McCall 185!KENYA Aberdares, Kinangop, 17 July 1948, Hedberg 1627!KENYA N Nyeri District Mt Kenya, Naro Moru track, 8 Sept. 1963, Verdcourt 3735!TANZANIA Moshi District Kilimanjaro, N slope of Kibo, 22 Feb. 1933, Rogers 788! & above Peters Hut, 26 June 1948, Hedberg 1355!;TANZANIA Rungwe District N slope of Rungwe Mt, 8 Feb. 1961, Richards 14297! & 14323!UGANDA Toro District Ruwenzori, Bujuku Valley, 30 Dec. 1950, G. Wood 197!;UGANDA Kigezi District Mt Mgahinga, 4 Dec. 1930, B.D. Burtt 2872!;UGANDA Mbale District Bugishu, Mt Elgon, 22 Mar. 1951, G. Wood 104!
Distribution (external)
Congo (Kinshasa)
South Africa; Comoros
Kerguelen Is
Tristan da Cunha
St. Helena;